VASTU VILAKKU – The sacred lamp for vastu remedy & prosperity!

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Vasthu vilakku – The Sacred Lamp to fix vastu & bring prosperity in your home & business.

Vastu vilakku is designed on the basis of strong Vasthu Lessons & principles of the Peeta Pooja Mantra. when we light the vasthu vilakku we worship all the universal powers and panchaboothas. 

“Vastu Vilakku designed upon the Tantric vision that the Panchabhootas join themselves to streamline towards a focal point”

Vasthu vilakku made as per the principles of Peeta Pooja Mantra, and when we light the vasthu vilakku we worship all the universal powers and panchaboothas. It is suggested to first light the lamp on a Friday early morning before sunrise using ghee and putting 5 wicks east,south, west, north and northeast. It is preferable to keep vasthu vilakku in the north east corner or else in the pooja place or in a neat and tidy area of our home

Where & How to Place Vasthu Vilakku?

The vasthu vilakku can be kept in the North East Corner or in the pooja room for positive ambiance and prosperity. Light the vasthu vilakku first time on a Friday early morning, putting 5 wicks; east,south,west,north, north east. Light the vasthu vilakku using ghee for the first time subsequently east and west sides using oil. The front side of the vasthu vilakku to be kept east facing.